Permanent Fat Reduction

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Tel: 647 835 5161

What It IS & How It Works

Permanent fat reduction treatments, targeting areas like the double chin, buccal fat, and love handles, employ advanced procedures designed to address localized fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise. These procedures aim to provide long-lasting results by permanently eliminating fat cells from target areas, enhancing body contours and promoting a more sculpted appearance.

Reducing excess fat in the double chin area involves injectable deoxycholic acid to break down fat cells, while CoolSculpting freezes and eliminates fat cells through controlled cooling. Buccal fat reduction focuses on slimming the cheeks by removing excess fat pads. This is often achieved through minimally invasive procedures that involve making small incisions inside the mouth to access and remove buccal fat. By the same account, love Handles Treatment can be addressed through treatments like liposuction, which suctions out fat cells, or non-invasive procedures like SculpSure that use laser technology to target and disrupt fat cells.

Why Choose Us?

First of all, we are equipped with the latest technology and follow industry best practices to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for your treatment. Secondly our experienced and licensed practitioners have a keen eye for detail, ensuring precision and natural-looking results. And finally, we always take the time to understand your goals and address any concerns, creating a personalized experience just for you.