Tel: 647 835 5161

What It IS & How It Works

PRP treatment harnesses the healing properties of the patient’s own blood to stimulate tissue regeneration and improve various aesthetic concerns. PRF is an advanced version of PRP that takes the concept further by incorporating a fibrin matrix, providing a more sustained release of growth factors. 

PRP procedure involves drawing a small amount of blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, growth factors, and other beneficial components, and then injecting this enriched plasma into targeted areas. Platelets play a crucial role in tissue repair, and their concentrated form in PRP promotes collagen production, enhances skin elasticity, and aids in the rejuvenation of damaged or aged skin. PRF works by gradually releasing growth factors over an extended period, promoting a prolonged healing response. This makes PRF suitable for various applications, including facial aesthetics, wound healing, and oral surgery.

Why Choose Us?

First of all, we are equipped with the latest technology and follow industry best practices to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for your treatment. Secondly our experienced and licensed practitioners have a keen eye for detail, ensuring precision and natural-looking results. And finally, we always take the time to understand your goals and address any concerns, creating a personalized experience just for you.